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This is a helper service which exposes methods related to looking up and creating Users based on an external AuthenticationStrategy.

class ExternalAuthenticationService {
constructor(connection: TransactionalConnection, roleService: RoleService, historyService: HistoryService, customerService: CustomerService, administratorService: AdministratorService, channelService: ChannelService)
findCustomerUser(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string, checkCurrentChannelOnly: = true) => Promise<User | undefined>;
findAdministratorUser(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string) => Promise<User | undefined>;
createCustomerAndUser(ctx: RequestContext, config: {
strategy: string;
externalIdentifier: string;
emailAddress: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
verified?: boolean;
}) => Promise<User>;
createAdministratorAndUser(ctx: RequestContext, config: {
strategy: string;
externalIdentifier: string;
identifier: string;
emailAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
roles: Role[];
}) => ;
findUser(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string) => Promise<User | undefined>;


(connection: TransactionalConnection, roleService: RoleService, historyService: HistoryService, customerService: CustomerService, administratorService: AdministratorService, channelService: ChannelService) => ExternalAuthenticationService


(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string, checkCurrentChannelOnly: = true) => Promise<User | undefined>

Looks up a User based on their identifier from an external authentication provider, ensuring this User is associated with a Customer account.

By default, only customers in the currently-active Channel will be checked. By passing false as the checkCurrentChannelOnly argument, all channels will be checked.


(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string) => Promise<User | undefined>

Looks up a User based on their identifier from an external authentication provider, ensuring this User is associated with an Administrator account.


(ctx: RequestContext, config: { strategy: string; externalIdentifier: string; emailAddress: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; verified?: boolean; }) => Promise<User>

If a customer has been successfully authenticated by an external authentication provider, yet cannot be found using findCustomerUser, then we need to create a new User and Customer record in Vendure for that user. This method encapsulates that logic as well as additional housekeeping such as adding a record to the Customer's history.


(ctx: RequestContext, config: { strategy: string; externalIdentifier: string; identifier: string; emailAddress?: string; firstName?: string; lastName?: string; roles: Role[]; }) =>

If an administrator has been successfully authenticated by an external authentication provider, yet cannot be found using findAdministratorUser, then we need to create a new User and Administrator record in Vendure for that user.


(ctx: RequestContext, strategy: string, externalIdentifier: string) => Promise<User | undefined>